Friday, January 23, 2015


My life is just a spec on a endless timeline. What does that mean?  Here's another question, what do you have to offer this world? What is your life about? Why are you here? Do you have a future? I wouldn't know because I'm me and not you. Why am I asking the questions, you're the reader? How can you figure out someone that only asks question about YOU? Consider that next time you talk to someone. Maybe they don't want to hear about your life because after all they aren't you. I'm not harsh I'm the third person. The mirror. How can I see me myself when all I see is your reflection? I create a bubble that only I can pop. Always afraid of LABELS. Can you really label a person you can't understand? Its called listening. Try it sometime, and when you do you will know me. You can't cast judgments until you hear me. Can you really though? Have you lived my life? Put on my shoes and walked around. What does it matter I'm just a spec.


  1. I create a bubble that only I can pop.

    I love all the questions. Lead to some good thinking.

    Nicely done

  2. I wanted to answer all the questions but I'm going to mom's house it's her birthday k bye
